Thursday, May 20, 2010


Talk about fusion:

Here's some Asian honey glazed ribs accompanied by a prawn infused goat cheese Mornay sauce pasta.
To tell the truth, not sure how I made it (Keith Floyd influenced dish) but will give it another shot and record the moments. The sweet and tartness of the ribs sit well with the sublime smooth creaminess of the Farfalle (I used Farfelle or bow ties to hold the sauce but I'm sure other pastas work).

Well, here goes, I think.

Marinade for ribs:

'Platinum' Soy Sauce (platinum is slightly sweeter and richer than normal - for a decent price too).
Grated Ginger
Ramps - chopped (in season only in April and some of May. If not - green onion or shallots)
Sushi Vinegar
Coriander or Cilantro stalks - finely chopped

Marinade overnight if poss. As usual, amounts are not included so just eyeball it. I always, I alwa, I alwa, I always (© The Common Man) love to eyeball the amounts as that way it's kind of more free-spirited and towards art and creativity rather than physics and mathematics.

Anyroad up, the pasta. Farfelle holds cream sauces very well so that and or Penne will work. However, Linguini, Spaghetti and the long pastas are always fun (see Lady and the Tramp).

Make a Roux (does that have an 'X'?) with butter and flour and some cream or milk.
Usually Mornay is with Gruyère and Parm but I used Goat cheese and Parm. I think pretty much any cheese that melts and naps will do. You can buyPrawn paste only from IKEA, so go there, buy it and add to sauce. Alternatively, finely chop some Greenlanders and add. Take the pasta out earlier than normal because then you will turn it with the sauce on a medium heat for a few.

Meanwhile the ribs have been tightly packed in Aluminium (yes there is a second 'i' in that. How lazy can a language get when it takes one letter out of a word that pretty much reduces the pronunciation by about 1/3 of a syllable?). Let's say it people, "Al-oo-min-i-um". Well done, well done indeed. Now we'll move on to 'herbs' because it's got f&*^ing 'h' in it.

Anyroad, for the last 20 mins or so... oh by the way, the ribs have been in for about an hour and a half on 3 fiddy (maybe you should have read this backwards). Open up the foil and finish on 4 or 4 fiddy for the last 20. Let sit. I like a bit of Sri Racha on top of mine.

Cheers. Oh, these go great with Tiger beer - a sweet Indian lager, about $7.99 a six pack.

Love, Xtoff.